*bounces around giddily*
I...am such a geek.
I was a dork before, but now I'm pretty much sure (is that even possible, to be pretty much sure? Aren't you either just sure or unsure?) I'm a geek, too. Just got back from watching the Special Extended Edition of
LOTR:TTT. At the theater. When I saw the theatrical version of the film twice at the theaters. When I
own the theatrical version on DVD. Oh God.
But...my God. It was completely worth the $11.50 price of admission. And those extra scenes....*giggles*...some were funny, some were informative, some were just interesting, but they were all great. *chuckles some more* I won't say exactly what's good about them, just in case anyone hasn't watched it yet and is actually planning to (see, normal people would just buy the extended edition on DVD and watch it at home...but nooooo, I had to go see it on the big screen! Hehe. Big screen rocks.) and doesn't want me to spoil it all. I doubt anyone I know who's actually here reading this won't be watching, anyway, or has seen it already ('cause I dragged the least sane of my friends [I swear that's a compliment...really! ;)], Susan, to watch it with me), but... *shrugs*
Merry and Pippin rock my world. Or Middle-earth, anyway. Lego and Gimli rock, too, of course, and then there's Aragorn. Man, I really want to get this last pesky exam out of the way and watch
ROTK...like right now! Gimme gimme gimme!!
Ahem. Anyhow, speaking of said exam, I should get back to prepping and studying for that. Normally I would've never even considered going to a movie before the end of exams...but
TTT is only playing from Dec. 12 to 15th, and I just
had to.
'Cause like I said -- I'm a geek. And now it's certified.